Actions Author Latest version Description
cohort-joiner opensafely-actions v0.0.56 cohort-joiner performs a database-style left join between several left-hand cohorts and a single right-hand cohort
cohort-report opensafely-actions v3.0.0 Cohort-report generates a report for each variable in an input file
cox-ipw opensafely-actions v0.0.31 cox-ipw
dataset-report opensafely-actions v0.0.26 dataset-report generates a report for each dataset in an input directory
deciles-charts opensafely-actions v0.0.43 deciles-charts generates a line chart for each measure table in an input directory
demographic-standardisation opensafely-actions v0.0.1 demographic-standardisation
kaplan-meier-function opensafely-actions v0.0.6 kaplan-meier-function
project-dag opensafely-actions v0.0.1
safetab opensafely-actions v3.0.2 Safetab outputs two-way tables of descriptive statistics